
Summer Staff 2025

We are currently seeking out our Summer Staff to join our Latham Springs team for the upcoming summer!

Summer Staff serve as the feet of camp. Without summer staff we have no way to serve the thousands of campers we see each summer. This is the most vital role at Latham Springs to ensure we provide an exception camp experience each summer!

These aer the character qualities we look for in a Summer Staff member. Are you:

  • Passionate about your relationship and growth in the Lord Jesus?
  • A hard working man or woman of God?
  • Comfortable living and working in a community environment with the summer team?
  • On fire to show the love of Jesus through serving others and how you live your life?
  • 16 years old or older?

As a member of our Summer Team, you will have the opportunity to serve in the following areas:

  • Food Service
  • Recreation (Pool, Waterfront, High Ropes, Gel Ball/Bazooka Ball, Boating, and Fishing)
  • Office (Office Assistant, Social media, camp media projects)
  • Canteen
  • Gift Shop
  • Maintenance/groundskeeping

For more information about our Summer Staff positions contact avery@lathamsprings.com

To apply for summer staff, please complete the application below!

Summer Staff Application

Maintenance Assistant (Full-time)

Latham Springs is currently looking for a Maintenanace Assistant. This is a leadership role serving under the Maintenance Director.

For more information and job description, please express your interest by contacting ty@lathamsprings.com and by completing the following application!

Maintenance/Grounds Keeping Staff Application

Food Service Staff

Latham Springs is currently looking for the following Food Service staff:

  • Part-Time Food Service (summer)
  • Full-Time Food Service (summer)

For more information, please contact us at 254-694-3689 or email roger@lathamsprings.com

Please complete the application below to apply for either of these positions!

Food Service Staff Application

Maintenance/Grounds Staff

Latham Springs is currently looking for part-time Maintenance/Grounds Keeper (year round). This role includes grounds keeping, basic maintenance, and assiting with various ongoing projects.

For more information, please contact us at 254-694-3689 or email james@lathamsprings.com

Please complete the application below to apply!

Maintenance/Grounds Keeping Staff Application

General Staff

Do you love the Lord and serve Him through your work? His ministry at Latham Springs requires individuals with skills in a wide variety of areas. Camp includes roles in office administration, maintenance, grounds keeping, recreation, food service, and custodial services.

If you possess any of these skills and feel led to serve in this capacity, please complete the application below.

Latham Springs General Staff application

Training for Staff & Interns

All the necessary training is provided on campus during staff training. We also provide some positions with room and board, work shirts, wireless internet, laundry services, and quite possibly the most amazing summer of your life! These details will be a part of the compensation discussions during onboarding.

We would love to hear from you!

Volunteer Opportunities

Is the Lord calling you to serve Him in a new and exciting way this? Are you or a group from your church looking for a way to serve the Lord and have an immediate impact?  If so, we have a wide range of volunteer opportunities for you!

We are always looking for adult volunteers, individuals and groups, to help fill key positions year-round, including during summer. Some areas where we love to have volunteers are gift shop, canteen, fishing, grounds keeping, maintenance and many others.

Contact us at 254-694-3689 for more information!