Hang out with Jesus
Come to Latham Springs for a time of refreshing, renewal, and inspiration.
We look forward to providing you with the setting for your next unforgettable camp or retreat experience!
2025 Summer Camp Schedule
June 1st-5th | WILD Week | Youth Camp
7th-12th Grade
June 5th-9th | Wired | Youth Camp
Jeremy Lewis jlewis@centralbcs.org 979.229.2876
7th-12th Grade
June 9th-13th | Camp Refuge | Youth Camp
7th-12th Grade
June 13th-17th | Collide Youth Camp
7th-12th Grade
June 17th-21st | AIM Preteen Camp
Patrick Knowlton
aimcampinfo@gmail.com 254.697.6505
3rd-6th Grade
June 23rd-27th | Rescue Youth Camp
7th-12th Grade
June 27th - June 30th | RA/GA Camp
1st-6th grade
GA Camp - Cheryl Ely gamissioncamp@gmail.com - 254.541.9160
RA Camp - Brad Blanchard brad.blanchard76@yahoo.com - 254.640.0219
July 6th - 10th | WILD Week | Youth Camp
7th-12th Grade
July 10th–14th | Next Level Kidz Kamp
3rd-6th Grade
July 14th-18th | Breakthrough Preteen Camp
3rd-6th Grade